Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7 Hipnotic Weeks

Tomorrow marks 7 weeks post-op, and I am finally free of my crutches!

We walked down to the
Stop sign and back.
Last Wednesday, at 6 weeks, I was able to walk around the house without the crutches, but I was still supposed to use them outside the house. Needless to say, I barely left the house for the rest of the week and all weekend because I didn't want to have to use them!

Today, I am sore from Monday's PT session. How I have missed this kind of pain! My quads and glutes are killing me! I did some single leg squats and leg presses. At the end of my session, I was given permission to leave the crutches at home! FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST!

Apparently, the dog is aware of the fact that I don't need the crutches anymore. He went crazy this morning begging me to walk him. So, this morning I took him out for a slow short walk. And by short, I mean, like 1/4 mile in about 10-15 minutes. Usually, he gets to walk at least a mile at a brisk pace. He wanted to keep going, but he humored me and let me take him in early.
Note the flippy-floppy on the left.

Today was my first day back in the gym after surgery. I forgot how much I missed the smell of sweat and workout equipment. I also forgot how much fun it was to people watch at the gym... (There was an older woman on the elliptical wearing sparkly flip-flops! As if older people don't have a hard enough time keeping their balance on those machines, or walking, or standing... let's add flippy floppies to the mix...)

I digress. My workout at the gym was nothing impressive. I did increase my cycling time to 30 minutes with low resistance. Then I stretched and did all my PT exercises. I also did some upper body work, but since I haven't been working out AT ALL over the last 2 months, I just did a quick easy workout to get the blood flowing again. I'm sure I'll be all kind of sore tomorrow and Thursday. CAN'T WAIT!

Ariel said it best...
Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down a - what's that word again?

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