Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Exciting news... I rode a bicycle today! Woot! Woot!

As part of physical therapy, I rode a stationary bike for 10 whole minutes! There was no resistance and the seat was high enough to avoid a lot of hip flexor motion.

The trickiest part was getting onto the bike without putting any weight on my right foot. Luckily, my arms are strong enough to hold me up so I could swing onto the bike. Although, I'm sure I didn't look as graceful as I was attempting to be. Oh, well!

After the bike, I went over to the weight machines to work out my quads and hamstrings. Basically, I can do these at whatever weight I would normally use at the gym so that I can keep my leg strong for when I do finally get to put weight on it.

On the way out, I had to stop at the restroom. This is the first time I've tried to use a public restroom on my crutches. Being that this is a rehab and orthopedic center, you'd think this would be fairly easy to accomplish. The sign at the bathroom door had the handicap symbol on it, but there was no switch to open the door! "Um... ok..."

So I somehow manage to swing the door open wide enough, throw the crutch in front of the closing door, trying desperately not to fall or look incompetent. Someone else was walking by and didn't even help me with the door. Thanks a lot.

Even though there was no switch on the way in, I thought, maybe on the way out, the door has a motion sensor or something. Nope! Same thing as on the way in: I shoved the door open, then threw the crutch in the way of it so it wouldn't close on me. I was able to finagle my way out the door without too much trouble.

The moral of the story is, if you see someone with crutches or a wheelchair, open the door for them. Even if they say "I got it." Really, they don't and they'll be so thankful that someone was nice enough not let the door hit them on the way out!

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