Friday, January 20, 2012

Just call me Crutchelstiltskin...

Today was great day.

I had PT early this morning at 9am. Now, 9am probably doesn't sound early to most of you who have regular jobs. And for me, if I was actively working, 9am would be awesome. But, seeing as how I've been getting up around noon everyday, being at physical therapy, which is 45 minutes away, at 9am... phew...

Anyway, PT was pretty much the same as last time: stationary bike for 10 minutes, stretching, bridges, weight machines. I did get some good news: I can potentially start driving next week! Best news ever! Relying on rides, even just for PT and doctor's appointments, has been annoying. I hate putting people out, especially when I feel perfectly capable of doing certain things for myself.

I'm going to schedule another appointment with my surgical team docs to see about getting a handicap decal to use until I'm at least off the crutches completely. Right now, it's not too back because whoever is driving me can drop off and pick me up. But, I can't really drop myself off at the front... I'm not THAT good. Maybe they'll extend it until I go back to work since the parking garage is about 1/2 a mile from work.... That would be fantastic.

After PT, one of my amazing friends (who also provided me with this lovely nickname, Crutchelstiltskin) picked me up and we milled around for a couple hours. It was really nice to be out of the house. Mostly it's just been to and from PT. We went to Best Buy and snagged one of their awesome bright yellow wheelchairs. Riding in a wheelchair seems like it'd be fun, but I kept getting the feeling that people were judging me for using one. I don't have any kind of brace or anything on, so I don't actually look like I need a wheelchair. Oh well... At Best Buy, we sat in the acoustic room playing around on the guitars. I don't play guitar, so I had a ukulele. I don't play the ukulele either, but that's easier to fake. After Best Buy, we went to lunch at Chili's.  It was really nice having something to occupy my day besides TV.

Right now, I'm sitting in bed with ice on my knee... No typo... my knee. I don't know how or why, but my right knee is now hurting. I noticed it was hurting yesterday, but I forgot to mention to my PT today. I'll keep icing it over the weekend and let him know about it on Tuesday when I go back.

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! I'm going to do the same, hopefully get out of the house for a while on Saturday or Sunday, or both!

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