Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm puttin' my foot down!

I am finally allowed to put some weight on my right leg!

Today at PT I did the same exercises as before but we added in calf-raises and mini-squats. After my normal routine of the 10-minute warm up on the bike and my usual stretches and bridges, I stood with both feet flat on the floor. My right foot felt all tingly from not using it for so long.

First thing I did was the calf-raises. I slowly raised my weight to my toes. It felt so good to finally have some movement in right leg and get the blood flowing again.

After that, I did the mini-squats. Both feet flat on the floor, I squatted down about 30 degrees. I felt so pathetic! My quads were shaking like I... well, like I hadn't done a squat in about a month! The first 30 degrees of a squat uses more of the quads; squatting past that activates the hip flexor, which we're still trying to minimize.

I was cleared to walk on both feet but still using both crutches. It's taking a little getting used to, relearning balance and whatnot. My right foot feels like it's asleep every time I touch to the floor. I'm allowed to put about "25%" of my weight on the right leg. Let me get out my abacus to figure this out... I'm pretty sure I'm not putting near that much weight on my leg, but the amount I do put on it varies with each step.

Riding the stationary
bike at home
I've been using a stationary bike at home as well. I was only doing 10 minutes, but I'll start tomorrow with 15 minutes. The next time I go to PT, I'll get to walk on the treadmill in the pool. That should be interesting... I haven't put on a swimsuit since I don't even remember when...

This is when it gets exciting guys! Stay tuned!

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