Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hip stitch::Hop scotch

The stitches are out of my hip! But I still can't play hop scotch.

I had another follow-up visit on Friday. My appointment was at 9:30am. What time did the stitches come out? 9:29am! You believe that? Neither did I! Lucky Friday the 13th, I guess!

Each incision had 1 stitch, so they came out pretty easily. They put these SteriStrips over each wound that will fall off on their own. No wound care, no changing band-aids, no covering them in the shower. Just let them fall when they may.

The PA that put the stitches in came in to check on how I was doing and to answer any questions I may have had. He asked me, "How much weight are you putting on your foot when you're walking around?" "None!" "Good," he said, "that was a trick question. I'm keeping my eye on you!" Then he did the "Robert DeNiro in Meet the Parents" thing... what a mushroom! (Fungi/Fun guy? No?)

Following that appointment, I went downstairs... er, down-elevator, actually... for PT. I was about 30 minutes early because the first appointment didn't take as long as expected. Thank goodness PT is a little more flexible!

I started with my warm-up exercises: turning my foot inward, butt clenches, and bridges. After my warm-up, I got to use the weight machines! HOLLA!

I did the quad machine first. Right leg only, 35 pounds, standard 1 set of 30. It was pretty light, but since I haven't really worked out in a while, it was more than enough! Hamstring machine was next. Same as the other: right leg only, 35 pounds, one set of 30. I definitely felt the burn in my right leg after both of those machines. It was nice, though, to have my right leg work for a while and let my left leg rest.

Internal Hip Rotation
When I was done, I headed back over to the therapy bed and lay my stomach to do the cobra stretch and knee lifts. As I finished that, my PT came over to stretch my hip and work a little more on my internal rotation. Still lying on my stomach with my knee bent at 90 degrees, he basically pulled my right foot down slightly past the point to which it naturally falls. He held it there for about 10-15 seconds, then let it go. He did that probably about 10 times or so.

It was a pretty exciting day, let me tell you. The hardest part of the day was getting out of bed on time for my appointment. I only had to be up by 8am. I've gotten really lazy really quickly. It's actually kind of sad. Going back to work is going to be tough! Maybe I'll just quit my job after all my rehab is completed...

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